Fort Lee Public Schools
Department of Special Services
Pre-Kindergarten Programs
2021 - 2022
Pre-K Disabled (PSD)
Our Pre-K Disabled classrooms serve students aged 3 and 4 by the registration date. Students suspected of experiencing a mild to significant delay in one or more areas of development (communication, motor, adaptive, personal social, cognitive) are instructed in this more intensive environment. The use of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) methodology is employed for specific students in this instructional setting to address socially significant behaviors and language development.
Pre-K Inclusion
Our Pre-K Inclusion program is a tuition-based program. These classrooms serve both students with and without recognized disability in the same space. This model is best suited for students experiencing mild disabilities which interfere with academic achievement.
Have a question about the specifics of one of our learning environments?
Please see our Parent Resources page for further information!