Special Services

Fort Lee SEPAG 
Special Services / Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)


Draft of SEPAG Bylaws

Draft SEPAG Bylaws.pdf


What is SEPAG?  The Special Education Parent Advisory Group is a state-mandated group charged with providing input/advising our school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services. 

Notes from the March 12, 2024 Meeting


Mode- Virtual 7:00pm - 8:30pm 

Participants - 12 parents and 2 administrators 1 BOE rep


  1. Executive director of programs (PINE NYU)  - Ms. Lauren Williams spoke to us about Building a community of belonging. Duration 1 hour
  2. SEPAG reps reported out on the following: establishing bylaws and  ground rules for engagement within the group and with administrators 
  3. Leadership voting for next meeting 
  4. April meeting facilitator - Smita Deb
  5. April Sepag meeting date - April 17th 
  6. Agenda for April's meeting will be sent out closer to the date

NOTES from Jan 17th SEPAG Mtg


WHENThursday, Feb 22nd at 7:30pm 

(Date needed to be changed due to venue availability)

WHERE: In-person - Intermediate School Cafetorium -  467 Stillwell Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024


(We are alternating between virtual and in-person each month) 



—Highlights from Working Groups 

—Next Steps in partnership with District on our Top 3 Priorities 

—Leadership Structure for SEPAG 

—Upcoming Events & Planning for Future Mtgs


— We played SEPAG trivia & gift cards were won!

— Setting Priorities: We reviewed results of the survey asking parents/guardians to weigh in on what our Top 3 priorities for SEPAG should be (please see results below) 

Working Groups: We invited parents/guardians to join a working group(s) to help advance these Top 3 priorities. 

SEPAG Leadership Structure: The district shared it would be helpful for them to have designated leaders/coordinators of the SEPAG group to communicate with. We will add that to next month’s agenda to discuss. 

SURVEY RESULTS: TOP 3 SEPAG PRIORITIES for 2024 (based on parent survey) 

1.) Social Connections in School [i.e. more intentional school-based programs for building relationships across neurodiverse/special needs and neurotypical students (e.g. Buddy System, Social Skills Groups, Reverse Inclusion, etc.)]

2.) Improving communication by the district with Special Needs Parents/Guardians (e.g. educating parents on district programs available to them, process for grade transition handover, increased communication about IEP process)

3.) Extracurricular/Afterschool Programs: How the District incorporates the needs of special education students when contracting with vendors


Parents/guardians are invited to take part in a working group(s) of your choice, each focused on the above Top 3 priorities. 

***Please sign up via this LINK***

Q & A about Working Groups: 

1.) Do I have to complete the link if I already volunteered at the meeting last night?  No, If you already joined a working group at the January meeting, you are confirmed and do not need to complete the link. Thank you for joining! We will be in-touch soon. 

2.) Do I have to join a working group to be a part of SEPAG?  No, joining a working group is completely optional. You are very welcome at all SEPAG meetings whether you join a working group or not. 

3.) What if I’m interested in all 3 groups, but only have time to join one?  Parents/Guardians are welcome to join as many or as few working groups as they would like. All 3 working groups will share updates at the monthly, plenary SEPAG meetings, so you will have opportunities to hear what the other groups are focusing on and provide input there. 

4.) What will I do in a working group? 

By joining a working group, you will be connected to other parents/guardians who want to work together on your chosen priority. In the working group, parents/guardians will: 

1.) Decide what success looks like for this priority 

2.) Decide on the top 3 recommendations we have for the district to advance this priority, from the perspective of a parent advisor 

3.) The group’s input will then be shared with the district for discussion and collaboration to explore ways to advance the priorities. 

5.) How much time is required for taking part in a working group? 

Each working group will decide if they want to: set up a standing What’s App group to communicate via text or to host a call or meeting to discuss. Some working groups may decide to remain a standing group meeting regularly, others may decide to provide input to the district as parent advisors and then end the working group. You can provide input on what you prefer after you join the group. All levels of participation are welcome - as little or as much time as you would like. 


Parent Sara K helped to facilitate this month’s meeting. If you have any questions about the meeting please don’t hesitate to email or text/call her: 773.294.0653 or sarakriks[email protected]  Next month's facilitator is Preethi. For questions you can contact her at: 917.520.2960 or pannaiah@gmail.com.


Thanks so much!



Department of Special Services

Director of Special Services - Ms. Diana Davis, M.Ed., LDTC
Child Study Team Office
467 Stillwell Avenue
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 Phone: 201.585.4652 ext. 1811 www.FLBOE.com


The Fort Lee Public School District's Special Services Department is committed to the location, identification, and provision of services for children with disabilities from 3 – 21 years of age.  Our Child Study Team, which consists of school psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, school social workers, and related service providers, will work collaboratively to meet the educational and emotional needs of students Pre-K thorough 12th Grade.  Our team ensures a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) placement for each child in the least restrictive environment.


Our Pre-K - Grade 12 Special Education Programming options include:

  • In-Class Support settings featuring a co-teaching model
  • Pull-out Replacement classes
  • Resource Center classes 
  • Self-Contained Learning Environments:
    • LLD (Learning Language Disability) classrooms
    • MD (Multiple Disabilities) classrooms
  • Pre-K Disabled (PSD) learning environments 
  • Pre-K ABA Teaching Methodology

Please click the link to the left for a description of Special Education Programming specific to each grade level.
Student placement depends on the various levels of support necessary for your child to continue to making academic, social and emotional progress.  

**If your child has difficulty in the areas of academic achievement, social/emotional well-being or behavioral management, please feel free to reach out to the Department of Special Services for further information.**

Ms. Sonja Timpone, Head Administrative Assistant
201 - 585 - 4652 x 1811  [email protected]

Ms. Nadine Cerny, Administrative Assistant
201 - 585 - 4652 x 1807  [email protected]