NJ Child Find

Do you believe your child is experiencing difficulty with learning or development?
Our Special Education programs are designed for identified students ages 3 -21, with a focus on developing and achieving individual student learning objectives and goals as well as those of our rigorous curriculum.
If you are concerned your child might have an unidentified disability which is interfering with academic or emotional growth and progress, consider the following questions:
- Is your child struggling to learn new concepts despite his or her best efforts and your support?
- Does your child avoid tasks that appear too challenging or give up without trying, such as those involving fine motor skills such as writing or art?
- Does your child often misread social cues or otherwise lack social skills?
If you believe you are in need of assistance, please reach out to your child's teacher or building administrator. You may additionally request evaluation by our Child Study Team. For the specific steps and requirements in the Referral Process, please refer to our Project Child Find Brochure:
Child Find Brochure:

Fort Lee Public Schools - Child Find Brochure
NJ Department of Education - Project Child Find Fact Sheet

NJ Department of Education - Project Child Find Resources
Federal and State Regulations Compliance
In accordance with federal regulations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-3.3 the Fort Lee Public Schools, through its Child Find initiative, seeks to locate students ages 3 to 21, including students attending non-public schools, who live within the Fort Lee Public Schools and who may be disabled or may be experiencing physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive, or social difficulties for referral to the district Child Study Team.
De acuerdo con regulaciones federales debajo de los individuos con el acto de educación de las inhabilidades y el código administrativo 6A: 14-3.3 de New Jersey el distrito escolar público de Fort Lee, con su iniciativa del Hallazgo del Niño, intenta localizar las edades 3 a 21 de los estudiantes, incluyendo los estudiantes que atienden a la escuela privada, que viven dentro de el distrito escolar público de Fort Lee, que pueden ser lisiada o que pueden tener dificulta física, sensorial, emocional, comunicación, cognoscitivas, o dificultades sociales para referi al equipo de estudio del niño del districto.