Fort Lee Public Schools
Department of Special Services
Intermediate & Middle School Programs: Grades 5 - 8
2021 - 2022
Our Inclusion settings at the Intermediate and Middle Schools serve both students with and without recognized disability in the same general education classroom. This model is best suited for students experiencing mild disabilities which interfere with academic achievement. Our Inclusion setting provides students access to our rigorous curriculum in the Least Restrictive Environment.
LLD Classrooms
Our Language and/or Learning Disability (LLD) classrooms at the Intermediate and Middle Schools serve students in Grades 5 through 8 who have mild to severe academic deficits and demonstrate difficulty meeting grade level curriculum standards. Students receive individualized instruction in a class with a lower student-teacher ratio.
Multiple Disabilities (MD) Classroom
Our Multiple Disabilities (MD) classroom for Grades 5 through 8 is housed at Lewis F. Cole Middle School. This class serves students with diverse disabilities including academic, behavioral, medical and/or cognitive Impairments. Teachers in this setting use individualized and specialized approaches to find students' level of understanding and scaffold their learning at an appropriate individual pace. This program operates as a self-contained learning environment for all subject matters.
Have a question about the specifics of one of our learning environments?
Please see our Parent Resources page for further information!