Instructor: Mr. Cuozzo
School Community Service
School and Community Service Criteria
**Each student at FLHS is required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service to earn 2.5 credits towards graduation.**
- Hours do not need to be completed within one academic year. They can be spread out over the course of four years.
- Students pursuing a summer service project must hand in a permission slip in June for approval.
- Once students earn the required 50 hours they will receive a P and 2.5 credits on their transcript.
- Students can continue to volunteer and accrue hours after fulfilling their requirement which looks great on a college resume.
- Students can earn all of their hours in one place (at an animal shelter) or volunteer for numerous events during the year (Field of Heroes, Tree Lighting, Food Drive, etc.) to accumulate the 50 hours.
- Students must hand in a permission slip to the SCS Coordinator signed by a parent and service supervisor (the person they will report to at the organization) for approval before beginning the service.
- Students will keep track of their hours and attendance using our timesheet.
- At the completion of service the supervisor must sign the bottom of the timesheet verifying the hours before handing in to the SCS Coordinator.
- Signed certificates or letters from organizations indicating the number of hours volunteered and the nature of the service will also be accepted.
- Students may NOT have a parent sign for their hours.
- Students will not be permitted to obtain community service credit by being a teacher's assistant.
- Please see the websites listed under the "Links" section of this page for potential volunteer ideas in Bergen County. Students are responsible for setting up their own community service opportunities.