About Us

Name Title Extension
Robert Kravitz Superintendent of Schools 7501
Diane Collazo-Baker Assistant Superintendent 7514
Michael Steinmetz Business Administrator/Board Secretary 7517

Name Title Extension
Gina Ruesga Director of Human Resources 7508
David Cuozzo District Anti-Bullying Coordinator 6612
Monica Heinze Director of Special Services 1801
Ernie Szabo Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds 7525
Katherine Hiromoto Assistant Business Administrator 7517
James Gandolfo Transportation Coordinator 7504
Jason Ruggiero District Technology Coordinator 6505
Kate Drumgoole Director of School Counseling 6511
Mark Bitar, II Supervisor (K-12 Mathematics & Science) 7502
Michael Raftery Director of Athletics 6504
Disha Patel Supervisor (7-12 ELA and SS, K-12 ESL/Bilingual, K-12 WL) 7511
Monique Kim Supervisor (K-6 ELA and SS, K-12 Fine Arts) 7509
Tammi-Ann Gil Human Resources Officer 7516
Teresa DiVincent Coordinator of Instructional Tech & Data Analysis 7521
Timothy Ford Coordinator of District Security 7523

Name Title Extension
Alberto Ruiz School No. 1 Principal 1501
John Brennan School No. 2 Principal 2501
VivecaWilliams-Glover School No. 3 Principal 3501
Patrick Ambrosio School No. 4 Principal 4501
Thomas Kraljic Lewis F. Cole Intermediate School Interim Principal 5503
John Giordano Lewis F. Cole Intermediate School Asst. Principal 5528
William Diaz Lewis F. Cole Middle School Principal 5501
Michele Carlor Lewis F. Cole Middle School Asst. Principal 5504
Lauren Glynn High School Principal 6501
Diego Lombardo High School Assistant Principal 6644
Joseph Finizio High School Assistant Principal 6537

Location Address Phone
Central Office 231 Main St, 3rd Floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4612
School No. 1 250 Hoym St, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4620
School No. 2 2047 Jones Rd, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4630
School No. 2 Annex 308 Tom Hunter Rd, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-720-3100
School No. 3 2405 Second St, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4640
School No. 4 1193 Anderson Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4650
Intermediate School 467 Stillwell Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024  201-585-4660
Middle School 467 Stillwell Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024  201-585-4660
High School 3000 Lemoine Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-585-4675

District Information

The Fort Lee Public Schools serve the residents of Fort Lee Borough in Bergen County, New Jersey. The Borough, situated on the Hudson River, is bisected by the New Jersey approaches to the George Washington Bridge, which carries traffic across upper Manhattan. Fort Lee Borough encompasses approximately 2.6 square miles and is considered a suburban community.

The Fort Lee Public Schools are committed to:

  • providing challenging instruction for each student, differentiated to address his/her intellectual, social and emotional needs;
  • following best instructional practices that engage all students in relevant learning activities; and
  • developing students who are prepared to be “First in the World” in global competition.

In addition, the Fort Lee Public Schools are continuously working to achieve our district vision. As a result, Fort Lee High School was ranked 72nd in the State of New Jersey, according to New Jersey Monthly magazine's annual report in 2010.

To fulfill our belief that classroom instruction is the most important element of the education of a child, teachers in the Fort Lee Public Schools are involved in extensive and rigorous professional development. Our teachers strive to improve their skills through attendance at district led courses in Language Arts, Brain Based Learning, and Multiple Intelligences to name a few. Teachers also attend local colleges and universities to pursue higher learning in their fields of instruction.

We are committed to continuous professional development. Professional development is the key to improving instruction. Our teachers work together in teams to share their talents and skills with one another. We see this so effectively implemented in our mentoring program, but we also see it in lesson study groups, curriculum mapping teams and grade level or department teams. Our teachers are sharing their collective experience to develop an instructional model based on best practices.

Quality schools need committed parents. Our active PTA’s and other parent groups are valued for the extra support they provide to our students and our schools. We look forward to having you join in the ongoing efforts to keep the Fort Lee Public Schools at the forefront of education.