Fort Lee Public Schools is dedicated to providing the highest quality program for all students while maintaining fiscal responsibility. The Business Office provides necessary financial, accounting, and record-keeping services to support the educational program. The department is responsible for all aspects of school district money management, including budgeting, accounting, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and purchasing. In addition, the department manages food services, student transportation, and oversees the District's insurance and risk management program.
Business Office Staff
Michael Steinmetz - Business Administrator/Board Secretary - 201.585.4612 x7512
Katherine Hiromoto - Assistant Business Administrator - 201.585.4612 x7517
Tracey O'Connell - Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator - 201.585.4612 x7518
Mary Koukeian - Accounts Payable Coordinator - 201.585.4612 x7503
Ricardo Camposagrado - Payroll Coordinator - 201.585.4612 x7519
Marilyn Bynum - Bookkeeper and Food Services - 201.585.4612 x7505
James Gandolfo - Transportation Coordinator - 201.585.4612 x7504